Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy T-Day

I would like to wish you all a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving (hey no HW!). It is nice at this time of year to reflect on all of the things that you are thankful for.  I am thankful for a wonderful wife and mother of my 2 children- Sarah, for my 2 healthy kids Lyla and Aksel, and the community and school that I work for.

Happy T-Day!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Algebra 1 and Geometry notes due Thursday/Friday

We are finishing up chapter 4 in both Algebra 1 and Geometry this week and so your notes for chapter 4 are due the day of the test.  Please have them ready to grade.  Remember, if you were not here in class, you still need to get the notes from someone (or online).

As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday, please check your powerschool grades for any incomplete lessons or assessments.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November is Career Month

As you are traveling the high school highway, it is always nice to keep your future in mind.  Recently, I saw a video on the nightly news about job outsourcing and I thought it would be great for all of you to see as you are preparing for a future in the workforce.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Algebra 1 notes & homework for section 4.2 (11-2-10)

Algebra Class:  Your notes & HW for section 4.2 are worksheets and are available online as PDFs.  If you were not in class, you can get these documents here:

Notebooks due this week!

Your notes that you take in class are due.  Please turn them in to me asap.  Remember, you receive 2 points per day for taking notes and doing the examples with the class.  If you are gone, you may get the notes and examples online through online video lessons.  You are still responsible for everything that we do in class even though you may not be there.  Boy, isn't the internet great!

End of Quarter

The end of the 1st Quarter is Wednesday.  Everything from chapters 1-3 will be included on Quarter 1's grade.  Please look at powerschool to see if you are missing anything.  You have until Friday before I will no longer accept assignments/quizzes/tests for credit.